Thursday, February 7, 2013

Programming and Girls !

Commonly I have seen the articles that bring out the difference between girls and beer , girls and programming languages etc.. But this post has been written after keen observation of girls and their behaviour with their respective (yeah ! you read it right) boyfriends. This post does not intend to hurt the sentiments of the Gang of Girls but just a satire (Its not a all a revenge to the articles / images girls posts to make fun of guys ).

This post brings out the similarities  between the girls and the programming languages . Few of my observations have been listed below:

1. Girls are like NULL pointers, you should never follow them , for chaos and madness await you at its end !

2. Their anger is like sleeping threads , you never know when a spurious wakeup can happen.

3. They are masters of type casting , you can't typecast your lies and present it.

4. You ignore their warnings and you are sure of getting the runtime error.

5. They are like the observer model with a twist , they notify the changes (read as your wrong doings) only during a fight.

6. Girls are highly case sensitve !

7. Their requests are always asynchronous and blocking , they won't let you do any other thing until you complete that request and you can never predict when you get a request.

To Be Continued...

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