Thursday, February 7, 2013

Whats Happening ??

This was written at the time when my inbox was overflowing with the messages regarding the date 12/12/12 amidst of the chaos of India losing pathetically and then the Boxing Association issue and to top all that the big market (read as wal mart ) scam in India.

Once it so happened that , I opened my twitter account to check the tweets and suddenly , the words "What's Happening ?" in the tweet space caught my eye and then all this came up to my mind. So here it goes ...

Number of messages in my cell do dwell,
When I check, it's all about twelve twelve twelve.
This day everyone has got something to sell,
To doctors ,the dame do compel.

Astrologer makes you dance to his tune,
Buy selling you the story of fortune.
Couples deciding to get into knot soon,
I wonder if the world tomorrow, is going to doom ?

And in what name 
Are they playing a game,
Putting at stake ,the nations name and fame
And to the loss , give excuses that's lame.

Some try to bring in a big big mart,
Which shall in ways will rip apart,
Those, who thrive on their pushcart,
And fools call , this move smart.

Day and night, athlete does toil,
To get name and fame to the thy soil,
With a faux process, they create a turmoil,
In the oil of shame , now they boil.

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