Saturday, May 4, 2013

The NFA called Life !!

By the way this new TataSky add caught my attention. While two friends having a conversation a guy asks his friend if its ok to take his sister out for dinner. To his astonishment the gals brother agrees. Poonchke to dekho poonchne main kya jaata hain? You never know what's gonna happen ! But if one would carefully analyze there are two scenarios : one , that the girls' brother would say yes ; second , that moment would have been the end of friendship and they would have fought.

So whats so special about this ad. Superficially this may seem to be any other event whose probability of occurrance would be very low.Its not the event as a whole that caught my attention, but for the tagline poonche main kya jaata hain? This emphasizes on the uncertainity in life. Many people lose many opportunities just because they didnt ask for that! We always weigh our actions on this very uncertainity. You never know whether this is gonna happen or that is gonna happen. But which one ? No one knows. 
During a leisure I got a little nostalgic and went back to the time when I was studying finite atutomata theory. I reiterated through the concept of NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automata). Let me tell you in the simplest terms what automata is. Attomata is stydy of abstract objects. Lets say a switch. A switch can be any switch very abstract. But the finite thing that we know of switch is that either it can be on or off. This on and off are the states of this automata.

Automata can be wither deterministic finite automata i.e You know the action for a particular input. Eg If switch is on and if you press it it can go only to off state and vice versa. The other category is non-deterministic finite automata (NFA). In case of an NFA you never know to what state the automata can go on a particular input / action. 


Life is very similar to an NFA , nondeterministic yet finite. Once can analyse this at a macro level level of the materialistic life. Materialistic life starts at birth and ends at death of this physical body. One thinks if I do this I can be that , I can go there , I can reach there and blah blah blah ... Life always accepts those actions that lead to the final state (just as a NFA) of the materialistic life (Death).No matter which peak a man's success scales or how low a man's moral can go, or no matter what a man can achieve or what he has as his prized possession, in the end when he says I wish I would .... have / haven't done that, it really signifies something. This something is infact very significant for a man thinks that the decisions/ actions which he wished he would have done or not; would change the course of his life.

Life (materialistic one ) is highly non-deterministic , yet finite , starts with birth and ends with death and that's precisely the final state of this non-deterministic finite automata called life. However , from the spiritual perspective , it may not be the final state but may I know how many of us think beyond death ?  

                                                 To Be Continued...



  1. Very nice one buddy :) so when is the spiritual version ?
