Tuesday, April 9, 2013

That guy called God !

I see here and I see there,
I can't find him anywhere.
I see here and I see there,
I don't think he's anywhere.

One says he is himself,
The other says he is the elf.
One say he ain't there,
The other says he's everywhere.

One says even a form he sans,
The other, everywhere he spans,
One says he's just a feel,
Of life's ship , he's the keel.

One says he's everything,
The other, he's nothing.

I feel I can't jot down anymore about this. I think a lot of Ink has been spilled and lot of gigabytes or perhaps terabytes has been used up in defining God ! Of course I am no authority to say something conclusive about God (of course am adding few more kilobytes  perhaps megabytes to it) but am just trying to present my thoughts (as with anyone else) about it here. 

Even before I can enter this question let me digress. Have you wondered how do you what is called what? What enables you to understand and recognize things in this (materialistic) world? It's language ! One can never underestimate the power of language. No language is great or small. There is no point in fighting over the heritage associated with the language , that's what I feel. Language and it's literature and the heritage associated with it is highly debatable and cannot abate , so let's not get any deeper into this for now. 
The very first words that a human being learns, is in a language that has no name , no documentation available and only understood by the mother. E.g especially the words like aabu , jijji for water etc. there is no name for this language , it's not documented  , just it is passed on generations to generations by mothers.Everything that we learn and understand is backed by a language. From Sanskrit to French to English to Chinese etc. Even computers use a language for communications 0's and 1's or signals. That is the power and importance of language. What is important here is, not the name of language or word or language itself , it is to know the fact that rational abilities helps us understand the world. 

Let's come back to the track ! So many people from the greats like Sri Shankaracharya to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ,to Swami Vivekananda to Sri Ramana Maharshi. Everyone has tried to explain what is God or Who is God. This indeed is very great service to mankind , because they have tried to explain the very force behind every event happening in the universe ; right from it's inception to all the events that are happening as of my writing and which will keep happening.

Knowing God or seeing God is an experience in itself , rather a life changing experience , which not only makes you feel powerful but also a feel of being cleansed. It's very difficult to accept the fact that we all have a highly materialistic approach towards life so much so that we even tend to have a rational approach and then we add some logic to the very existence of the entity , that we call God , for the lack of any other word. 

Though all these greats have explained about God , yet no one understands completely or precisely. Why? Not because these greats have not explained clearly, or not because they haven't seen God or they have never known God.To explain about such a divine experience of having seen the God, to a mere normal human being , they cant find the words.Because it gives a rational and logical essence to their explanation  To understand God , what one needs is not rational or a genius mind ,it's the cognitive abilities that is required. It helps us perceive rather than just see things. It helps us distinguish the materialistic world and the spiritual world rather than understand.

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