Monday, July 8, 2013

Who forked you ?

         Chicken first or the egg first ? A very famous question (guys you remember we asking this to each other ?) How far can one go back into the history and find out the source of our existence? 6 billion people on the face of the earth are just surviving each day in their own ways. Seldom does anyone would care for the other.  I find it apt  to quote from The Shawshank Redemption “ get busy living or get busy dying”.  If it’s true that big bang has ever happened then , we all must be connected , YES I mean it.  So let me talk about this from the perspective of a fork() system call in UNIX  (OS).

      Whenever you want to create a process , you need to fork a process. init , in UNIX is mother of all processes. This process forks itself to create all other processes. Though the address space if the child process is different from the parent process they are connected to each other from the perspective of the init.

     Similarly we all are connected to each other though we may be staying in different address space(different geographical locations analogous to the different addresses on the physical memory). We all , have been forked by the one supreme soul , just as the parent and the child processes share the code / text segment , we too share the same code segment , the code of ethics , the code of humanity. We have the copy of the stack , and data segment too , we have the same soul as that , we have the same consciousness


As is the human body, so is the cosmic body

As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind.

As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.

As is the atom, so is the universe.

-    The Upanishads.

To be Continued ...

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