Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Fast that divided the nation

India , was , is and always will be "FREE" . Polymorphically speaking , the aforementioned statement is true all probabilities. India , was open and free and hence the Brits came and set up a business and looted us . India is "FREE" of nationalist people and hence you can see lot of FDIs , FIIs , and other ways of selling the nation. But let me tell you all that , there's going to come the day when India will be "FREE" of the traitors , and that shall cometh soon !

Well , the fact stands that India got independence on 15th Aug 1947. The partition had rattled both the countries , which once were in Unison. All the efforts to avoid the partition was in vain , the people on either sides had to come to terms with the fact , what once was their motherland in now split into two.  People were in distress , the soldiers who once fought unanimously , are now pointing gun towards each other. People , who were migrating  , were killed mercilessly , as though  they were some animals. 

        The pyres of hundreds of thousands of men , women and children had not yet cooled , that another agitation , to further split our motherland had started.The separation of India and Pakistan started a chain reaction. The separation of the geographical portion on linguistic basis. Which was opposed by Sardar Patel , Nehru (probably on of the very few good things he has ever done ) and others.
    After the partition , Sardar Patel and others were toiling day and night to ensure the unity in the Indian Union. Just look at the picture below. This is the map of Union of India before the creation of separate states before 1956.

    Potti Sriramulu who had been an ardent follower of Mahatma Gandhi , had spent most of his life working for humanitarian causes , came up with the proposal of carving out a new state of Andhra Pradesh for the Telgu speaking people of then Madras Province.  Sriramulu who had been a hero among the Telgu Speaking people was followed by a huge mass . Soon , the heroic worship turned to become a Messiah Syndrome among his followers.  The reason being , Sriramulu getting accolades from none other than Mahatma Gandhi himself . He once said "If only I have eleven more followers like Sriramulu I will win freedom in a year." 

   Sriramulu , in October 1952 , spearheaded the movement to carve out the separate state and took on to "fast until death" , and on the 58th day of his fast , he passed away , which paved the way for a violent riots , to handle which the Government of India had to agree to carve out a new state of the Telgu speaking people of Madras Province.

   If one can demand a separate state for a people based on a language spoken by them , then what on the earth can you expect to happen?  The agreement to to carve a new state of Andhra Pradesh , proved to be the external motivation for others to demand few more new states based on the languages spoken. 

   Finally in 1953 the Government of India , formed " States Reorganization Commission"  , which after extensive survey and analysis came up with the new state borders. Finally after the submission of the reports , the new states were created . 

  What led a Gandhian like Sriramulu , to think of carving out a new state ? Where were his nationalist ideals , patriotism when he thought of further separation ? Did he not think about the implications of his demands?  For what joy he had to fight for the freedom? Not only Sriramulu , but scores of others who demanded separate states like Karnataka , Maharashtra , Gujrat , UP , Punjab , Uttarakhand , Uttaranchal , etc..

  The day is not for when India disintegrates like USSR , if these things continue. The language does not differentiate based on the geographical location , Did ever Telgu or Kannada came to anyone and said "hey if you stay in karnataka I shall not be spoken by you ? hey if u are not in Andhra I shall not be spoken by you !" Then why you want to divide  people based on the language?  If one has so much love for mother tongue and motherland ( which ideally should be India and not the respective states) why are they leaving it and migrating to other countries? 

  The notion of regionalism and idea of linguistic superiority is so deep rooted that almost every state has its own anthem and they sing it before singing Nation Anthem. Why ? Is ones respective state has more sovereignty over the nation ? 

 Once we used to say , that there is unity in diversity in India . Show where is the unity now ? Unity is not when people cheer for few players when they play . It is when you treat other  countrymen with love and respect ! Hey how about fighting like Hey am from Punjab I wont give you wheat , Hey am from Andhra am not gonna give others rice , hey am from Karnataka am not gonna give any other state the sugar ,  Come on guys lets start it ! I dare anyone who can do this ! 

   India is the chosen land of the God. Only in India you will find the ancient way of life ( dharma ) that will lead one to liberation , liberation of mind , soul . It is written centuries ago "वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् " 
The world is a family and that can be found no where else on the face of the earth. 

   Let us all wake up , let us all break the barrier of language , creed , regionalism and really stand united , where no one stops anyone form speaking Telgu in karnataka , maharashtra . No one stops anyone from speaking kannada in Andhra , Bengal , Delhi etc. Let us all strive to retain harmony. 

NOTE : This author of this post does not intend to hurt the feeling of people of any state or region or language nor intends to defame any person. The views expressed in this post are the views of the author

Friday, July 12, 2013

It's not me ! It's We

There's been quite a turbulence in the political scenario of the nation these days ! It's truly said the power corrupts people may it be anyone ( of course there may be few exceptions). In the recently held Goven meeting , the president of a national political party Mr.RajyaSingh , crowned Mr.Inder to be the party's chief for the electoion campaign , which however didn't go well with the party's top brass Mr.Adviceani , since his advice was not taken seriously and apparently he went lal ( red) with anger.

What followed, was a political melodrama, where Mr.Adviceani resigns and his resignation is rejected and finally reconciled! However , I , wish Mr. Inder had read this joke before he could accept Mr.Rajyasingh declaring Mr.Inder as the chief of the election campaign committee.

A farmer  rears  25 young hens and one old cock 

As he feels that the old cock could no longer handle his job efficiently, the farmer bought one young cock from the market 

Old cock to Young cock 

Old cock: Welcome to join me, we will work together towards productivity...

Young cock: What do you mean? As far as I know, you are old & should be retired.

Old cock : Young boy, there are 25 hens here, can't I help you with some?

Young cock: No!! Not even one, all of them will be mine.

Old cock: In this case, I shall challenge you to a competition & if I win you shall allow me to have one hen & if I lose you will have

Young cock:  OKKK..
What kind of competition?

Old cock: 50 meters run. From here to that tree. But due to my age, I hope you allow me to start off the first 10 meters.

Young cock: No problem ! We will compete tomorrow morning.

In the morning the Young cock allows the Old cock to start off 
 & when the Old cock crosses the 10 meters mark the Young cock chases him with all his might.

Soon enough, he was behind the Old cock's back in a matter of seconds.

Suddenly..."BANG" !!!

Before he could overtake the old cock, he was shot dead by the farmer ..
who cursed,

Farmer: "Hell"

This is the 5th GAY cock I've bought this week." ??

Moral of the story - Respect your seniors !

     OK back from the joke now. It's not about Me , Me , Me in politics ( am talking about good politicians , the endangered species )  , it's all about We ! It's about the ideals of the party as a whole. 

       The whole point is not about how good your party's manifesto is , it is all about how many of those are converted to policies and are implemented.  I might be a little over ambitious here , but let me take that liberty here. 

       In a democracy like ours , converting the manifesto into policy is very very difficult ( given the present political and economic conditions) , but that doesn't stop anyone from bringing the reforms. Oh gosh , I guess am deviating from the topic. 

      Let's come back to the track. So this is what's  gonna happen when you try to run ahead of everyone , not  only seniors for that matter , whether it's a team or a party you need understand the team dynamics. NO matter one may be great in one area but when it comes to a team unless you are not in sync with the dynamics , the whole team is gonna fail.

Note: This article expresses the views , of the author and has no intention to disrespect any leader / party or comment on the individuals orientation towards gender.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Who forked you ?

         Chicken first or the egg first ? A very famous question (guys you remember we asking this to each other ?) How far can one go back into the history and find out the source of our existence? 6 billion people on the face of the earth are just surviving each day in their own ways. Seldom does anyone would care for the other.  I find it apt  to quote from The Shawshank Redemption “ get busy living or get busy dying”.  If it’s true that big bang has ever happened then , we all must be connected , YES I mean it.  So let me talk about this from the perspective of a fork() system call in UNIX  (OS).

      Whenever you want to create a process , you need to fork a process. init , in UNIX is mother of all processes. This process forks itself to create all other processes. Though the address space if the child process is different from the parent process they are connected to each other from the perspective of the init.

     Similarly we all are connected to each other though we may be staying in different address space(different geographical locations analogous to the different addresses on the physical memory). We all , have been forked by the one supreme soul , just as the parent and the child processes share the code / text segment , we too share the same code segment , the code of ethics , the code of humanity. We have the copy of the stack , and data segment too , we have the same soul as that , we have the same consciousness


As is the human body, so is the cosmic body

As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind.

As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.

As is the atom, so is the universe.

-    The Upanishads.

To be Continued ...