Saturday, September 22, 2012

FDI - "Fund (that) Develops India " OR "Foreign Destructive Investment in India"

Hmmm ... You really gotta be patient enough to read this.

Once upon a time , there was a house named 'Bharat Sadan' and there lived a very happy family of an Old but cheerful couple , the couples 3 sons. This family had set an example of being the almost perfect family , yea I know , what am saying , it's almost perfect and not the perfect. All the members of the family , including the wives of the 2 elder sons lived in harmony!

One fine day , one man from another near by town , came to visit this family with an intention to propose an alliance to the youngest of the three sons. At the outset the prospective bride looked very beautiful and was very rich as a matter of fact and upon the agreement of both the prospective groom and bride and their respective parents , the alliance was fixed and they fixed a date for the marriage as well.

While discussing about the marriage , the brides father proposed to give a hefty dowry , which however , was rejected decently by the groom and his father. Nevertheless the brides father did send a lot of jewellery with his daughter (as love) which however was not opposed.

With the passage of time , the old couple for some reason unknown , started discriminating between the youngest daughter-in-law and the rest. The old couple went to an extent where tehy started ill-treating the elder daughter-in-laws , stating their finanicial background as the reason for their ill-treatment.Also , the youngest daughter-in-laws' father started exercising his control over the family and started influencing the family's decision. Somewhere , the fact that the elder daughter-in-laws' parents didnt give much jewellery to them did pinch this old couple.

!! Stop Stop Stop !! I am not campaining against the dowry act or something. The story ends here. Infact , its more than just a story , if you can analyse and see through its the present conditon of our nation.

Now lets see the story this way : The family is our nation , the old couple is like our nets babus , and the daughter-in-laws are our small and medium retail business owners. The jewellery given by the bride's father is the FDI which the whole nation in opposing. I don't say I am an anti-FDI or something, FDI is indeed good but to what extent ? with a lot of FDI , the foreign corporates have started influencing the nations decisions directly / indirectly .

Consider this example , one lady was in the board of directors of the largest retail store chain in the world and her husband was the president of most influential and powerful country. For a lady of that stature , how difficult it is to push that retail store chain in India and how difficult it is for her husband to influence our netas to go for FDI ? 

We need FDI in infrastructure , education , power and in retail too. But doesnt the governing bodies think there is already enough FDI in retail ? Instead , help the SME retail business owners grow , give them facilities , loans etc whatsoever it may be. Let our money be in our nation. Only because some Tom Dick and Harry Inc. sells the goods as a little cheaper than our own people we buy from them like we are crazy and say you know Tom Dick and Harry Inc. offers you free home delivery and now going to store and purchasing becomes downmarket !

Howerver there are different schools of thought. One of them says , if Tom Dick and harry Inc. expands his business in India , there will be more employment oppourtunities but what they fail to see is that while this Tom Dick and Harry Inc. employs 15-20 sales people in its store , the remaining 40-50 SME retails business owners have to shut down their stores.

On the other hand , one school of thought says , "If you allow FDI , there will be multi-brand availability and market will expand as the Indian Population is becoming more consumeristic." . Yes certainly Indian Population is becoming more consumeristic but why doesnt the government provide facilities for SME retail business owners so that even they can make the multi-brand one stop shop available ? Do you need to go to Tom Dick and Harry Inc. to buy A1 jeans / shirt ? If you are getting the same consumable at our local businessman's shop at almost the same price why don't just buy from him?

All I can say is upto a level FDI is "Fund (that) Develops India " , otherwise "Foreign Destructive Investment in India"

Disclaimer : The content of this article expresses the views of the author. The author doesn't intend to be biased and influence the opinion of the readers. Neither the author intends to criticize the governing bodies of the nation.

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