Saturday, June 30, 2012

Colour Colour which colour do you see ?

     Alright.. If you are expecting that I am racist , you are wrong ! If you think you have read this book and still skeptical about reading this , then better read at your own risk ! This is not about any philosophy professed by Socrates or if you think am trying to be another then please do not , Yes I said do not read it ! 

     I was having a good read after quite a long time - "The Immortals of Meluha" by debutant Amish. Great piece of work indeed. As I was cruising through the book , I was really stunned at the point where a priest asks Shiva "What is the colour of the leaf?" 
 And the conversation continues ...

'The colour?It's green"

'Is it?'

'Isn't it?'

'Why do you think it appears green to you?'

'Because,' said Shiva,amused.'its is green.'

'No.That wasn't what I was trying to ask. You had a conversation with one of the Brahaspati's scientists about how your eyes, you see the object.'

'Oh that. right' said Shiva slapping his forehead.Light falls on an object.And when it reflects back from that object to your eyes, you see that object.'

'Correct! Now put these two theories together and answer my question. Why does that leaf appear green to you?'

Shiva frowned as his mind worked the problem out. 'white sunlight falls on the leaf. the leaf's physical properties are such that it absorbs the colours violet, indigo, blue, yellow, orange and red.It doesn't absorb the green colour which is then reflected back. hence I see the leaf as green.'

'Exactly!', beamed the Pandit. 'So think about the colour of that leaf from the perspective of the leaf. What colour it absorbs and what colour it rejects. Is its colour green? Or is it every single colour in the world , except green?'

Shiva was stunned into silence by the simplicity of the argument being presented to him.'There are many realities. There are many versions of what may appear obvious,' continued the Pandit. 'Whatever appears as the unshakable truth, the exact oppostie may also be true in another context.It is the context or perspective that you're looking from that moulds which particular reality you see'.

     I was just relating this concept to few other aspects in life. Generally we have a tendency to relate to people from what is obviously visible of them viz. their anger , or some peculiar behavior and we say -" That guy is short tempered / he is so and so". Applying the same concept we can say that , the anger is manifested as the rejection to some particular entity. 

     We never make an attempt to see what the person absorbs or has absorbed i.e. the good things in that person. We differentiate people  based on the colour of their skin , we never see their hearts / mind , sad enough ! The differences between the people arise  because of the differences in the context to which people relate to one another. 

     Here is how I sum it up : 

     It's only what you see ,
     That makes you think of me;
     You never see what I really  am ,
     And don't know through what I swam.

     You never made any effort,
     To Build with my other side , a  rapport,
     The day you see the inside of  me ,
     My face would glow with glee.
     Do not just see the outside,
     Without knowing what's inside,
      And then decide am so and so ,
      And create a huge row.     

     Who I am is not what I show,
     I am the feelings inside me that flow,

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