Sunday, October 7, 2012

Insomniac !!

I am here, I am alive,
By the shore so unclear, I go on a drive.
I feel am lying afloat on that shore
Like an unread book in the shelf, just get bored more and more.

I wake up from the bed, realizing am awake
With lotta time to spare, but of that time what to I make?
Shall I stop the thoughts and try to sleep?
Or shall I get up and over my thoughts take a leap?

I feel by the night so Insomniac
But by the day so hypersomniac,
Though I feel am asleep,
My sleep is only skin deep.

I don’t know what more to pen,
Why do I feel so every now and then?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Common Man. Really ?

       Woah !! Well I was watching the news of Mr. kejariwal , starting his own political party. Neither I am against it nor for it. The point is not what he is doing or has done is right, for I don't want to waste time in judging him. However the point is excessive use of the word "aam aadmi" , "comman man" that has really tested my patience.

This word, over a period of time is being used as the achilles heel of the public. While I was watching the news of Mr. Kejariwal's new party , I remember this word being used umpteen number of times. There was a point in time when I just got irritated with that word. 

I then started thinking what makes the media and the bloody unethical corrupt politicians use the word "aam aadmi" or "common man" in their pseudo propaganda. I started thinking " Am I a common man ?" , " Really Am I ?". However there are few bureaucrats / politicians who dare to call the public as cattle herd.I just want to tell such politicians one thing :- "Boss , it's me who is working hard ,it's me who is earning and you are getting paid from the tax that I pay. In a way it's me who is paying you the salary and then how dare you call me aam aadmi ?"

The root cause of the problem is we the citizens who vote for such people. Of late we have become so lazy that we prefer to be ruled by others and in the process create lot of demagogues and charlatans.

The public has been so hypnotized that they start wearing the caps with " I am Anna Hazare" , " I am Kejariwal" , "I am comman man" ..."I am blah blah...". I am not trying to say that the support extended to Anna Hazare and co is wrong but the point to be considered here is how quickly we do put ourselves in others shoes. 

India doesn't need 1.2 billion Anna Hazare or Arvind Kejariwal. What India needs is 1.2bn persons who understand and identify themselves not in the name of some politician or politician-to-be , but in their own conscience , own -self. Me and you , everyone of us , is not common. Each one of us have the capability to bring in the change for good. If you and me , everyone of us realize this , we are no longer common. 

Disclaimer: The content of this article just expresses the view of the author. The intention of this article is neither to disrespect Mr. Anna Hazare nor Mr. Kejariwal or to hurt the sentiments of the general public.