Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Saturday

                 Billions of hearts fills with joy
                 When Tricolour covers the sky,
                Against all odds they have to shepherd
                The cup to which we all have our lives referred.
                                There’s a bunch of men toiling hard on the field
                                Just to give the cup an armoured shield,
                                In the middle of the field, the men in blue
                                 Are trying to make every eye’s dream come true.
                They cannot give the nation a greater gift
                Than to go out there and give cup a lift,
                All they need is a billion peoples trust
                Let us not sit and rust , let’s give them the needed thrust.
                                Let’s all unite and pray for the very day
                                That they lift the cup on the Saturday

Friday, March 4, 2011

A bus journey.

Here again cometh the monarch of the sky,
How beautiful the birds in the sky do fly,
There she cometh in the outfit brown,
Ferrying the people from all over the town.
                She sails everyone no matter how fat or thin,
                She keeps her cool and maintains the beautiful grin,
                Sometimes due to uneven path she Wobble,
                In the end she makes sure the passengers are a mile away from trouble.
She comes to ferry me early in the morning,
While I wait for her on the pathway still yawning,
Here comes my bus,
And ferries me through city’s rush without making any fuss.
                Like the journey of bus, is the journey of life,
                Not as through the butter a knife,
                Though the way  has many a twine,
                Hold faith like steering and say god be on side of mine.